
Dr. William Collins is an internationally recognized expert in climate modeling and climate change science.

Characterizing and identifying weather drivers of extremes

Variability and change in the spatio-temporal characteristics of extreme events

Statistics of observed and simulated extremes

Senior Personnel

Extreme weather and climate variability

Atmospheric science, climate dynamics, monsoons, Earth’s hydrological cycle

Application performance engineer on "Toolkit for Extreme Climate Analysis (TECA)"

Understanding the limits of predictability for low-likelihood, high-impact events.

Gaussian processes, machine learning, and constrained function optimization

Statistical methods for climate data

Understanding and simulating changes in mountain hydroclimate systems

Weather and climate extremes, climate data metrics and evaluation

Regional and global climate modeling, data analysis algorithms and tools, climate data metrics and evaluation

Feature detection and visualization for climate data

Extreme weather events and their impacts in a changing climate

Variability and predictability of extreme events

Postdoctoral, Graduate, & Undergraduate Researchers

Coupled atmosphere-ocean modeling of extreme events

Influences of climate change and land-atmosphere interactions on mesoscale convective systems.

Applying statistical techniques towards understanding different atmospheric phenomenon

Seasonal variability and change of tropical cyclone activity

Constraining future projections of extreme rainfall with machine learning

Statistical methods for orthonormal matrices and dynamic systems

Atmospheric Rivers detection, attribution, and morphology using climate models and ARTMIP catalog

Simulating and analyzing projected changes in tropical cyclone activity